Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Review: Ann Summers "Passion" Massage Lotion

R and I bought this massage oil quite a while ago when we were looking for a massage oil or bar as I'd been suffering from a painful back and shoulders(and still do, unfortunately). R is an absolute gem for working so hard to try and get my back into a liveable condition so often, and had been trying to work on it a little but with no oils, to little avail.

We set out, and figured Ann Summers was probably the most logical place to check out on our little mission, so headed to the high street. In Ann Summers, we found a range of oils. After sniffing the Lust and Love oils, and finding them not to our taste, we picked up the tester bottle of Passion oil, and immediately knew that was the one for us.

Having bought it (£8 for a 150ml bottle), we headed home. A closer look at the gorgeous, retro-styled label found that it claimed to be "lickable". Now, I am sure a great deal of attention was paid to ensuring that all the ingredients of this lotion were totally consumption-safe, but for the sake of your taste buds, I would strongly advise against it. It might smell divine, and while some of the notes from the fragrance do make it through in taste, there is an overwhelming bitter note that just makes the licker gag. (If that licker is me, anyway...)

The things we loved about it, however,way outnumber the sour taste. It's not especially sticky once it's been rubbed in, so going to sleep without showering it off wasn't unpleasant. As mentioned before, the smell is gorgeous, really tropical and refreshing, and a smell I'm happy to have dominate our boudoir! Lastly, the warming effect is nice when it's being used for massage to help sore bodies, as it seems to stimulate in a lot of the same ways the massage itself does.

All in all, a massage oil we turn to time and time again, and will keep buying.

Buy it at Ann Summers

NK x

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