It comes in a tin which clips shut with a window to show the vibrator, and doesn't scream "SEX TOY" like so many do - the packaging really is about as classy as you could imagine for any toy.
The company website (http://www.evolvednovelties.com) states that "the packaging serves as a secure, hygienic and discreet carrying case – including, a clever insert that actually conceals the toy!" which I agree with, it makes for an excellent case to store the toy in. (In case it's not something you've come across before, toys should be isolated with one another to prevent materials from reacting.)
There is just the one button and three speeds which can be cycled through - low, medium and high. I found the medium speed to be the most enjoyable for me and I normally like relatively strong vibrations. What's great about this is the simplicity of operation, which in the heat of the moment is pretty damn important, however it does lead to needing to cycle through to switch off.
I enjoyed the shape of the vibe as it is quite different to the straight up-and-down of the vast majority you can buy. The curves of the vibrator allow for extra stimulation without feeling "ridged" like some do. As usual, I did need a little clit stimulation to get there, but I wouldn't blame the toy for that as that is quite normal for me.
It doesn't look especially big on the girth size, but feels more than it looks, so lube might be a good idea for for newer users. This felt like more of an issue when I used the toy solo, which adds to my lube suggestion, it goes without saying that I'm more turned on when in the sack with him than alone, and I did also find that I found the toy more pleasurable when he used it on me. I'm not sure if that was simply due to being extra turned on, or if he got a better angle with it.

- The packaging is just too gorgeous. It makes for an excellent storage box.
- The feel is great, nice and solid but with a jelly outer.
- It's also totally skin safe, and phthalates free!

- It's not the quietest vibe I've used, but equally, it's not exactly rabbit-volume either.
- Cycling through the options to get it to switch off could be an issue if you suddenly need to switch it off. It can also be an issue in the sense that if you click it too eagerly, you can quite easily cycle past the setting you want.
- There are only 3 speeds, and no pulse modes.

Want it? Buy it @ LoveHoney for £26.99 (price correct as of 07/08/09)
NK x P.S. - here's that packaging I was talking about:
Cool. I only ever bought my first sex toys about a month ago.
How did you get asked to do the review? Is there somewhere to sign up to review other items?
With LoveHoney, they regularly pick people from the site to do reviews of new products - how theyre chosen is normally off the back of their reviews they've posted of toys they already have, and also on their forum contributions. I natter quite a bit there so it helps!
They do also allow international testers, if the reviews dont have to be in within a time limit, however I hear that for the US, Eden Fantasys is really good - but I don't know quite as much of their system!
hope this helps :)
LF x
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