Monday, 23 March 2009

Popping my head back in...

Wow, I know I say this pretty much every time but it's been too long! I'll endeavour to be better, ladies and gents... I think that'll be much easier as the months progress.. for reasons that will become clear in the 'general life stuff' bit of this update! Okay, time for the aforementioned life stuff... College still progressing nicely... It can be a bit of a headache at times but I just have to remember that it is progressing and it is only a matter of time till it is done. Which makes me happy. Not that I hate college outright but the work we are doing seems almost insulting - university was amazing when I visited and I just want to be there now! Saying that though, my compulsory and pointless key skills type lessons end this week (or possibly next), one course ends in May and the other 2 in June. So I shall have progressively more time and be acting less and less like a headless chicken. What I am probably most excited about, though, is moving in July. We're sharing with friends, but it means me and the mr get to live together and I really can't wait! I have been lacking the funds to do much in the way of ordering from LH recently, which has been annoying to say the least, but I was looking the other day on some money saving forums about people "shopping from home" - meaning not buying new things and instead really looking at what they have in their cupboards and freezer, and using what they have... I think this logic can definately be applied to sextoys too. Over the coming weeks/months, I'll be going through the (sometimes overlooked) gadgets and gizmos I already possess and reviewing the ones I haven't already rated... Obviously, they'll get posted both here and on the LoveHoney website :) The only thing I have actually bought recently was the Hello Kitty Mini Vibrator which I honestly don't think I can possibly bring myself to corrupt... Very unlike me, I know. Though, then again... Who knows. Heh. Other things which I'll have to go into in upcoming posts will be my long overdue giving of head (yes, I was a blowjob virgin till a few weeks ago... no joke) and the book I just bought (and of course the free toy that's coming with it). I may even do a review of the shoes I bought (I only bought them due to a comment on the LoveHoney Forums...

 NK x